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14.03.2023 17:48INDEPENDENT VIEWS
How to Save Your Own National Cultural Traditions in Multicultural Destinations :

It is One of the Biggest ’topics’ among many groups of ‘International Baccalaureate’ (IB), working for the Top level Programs in more than 200 countries...Singapore is an example of an actual multi-cultural country. While there is a greater Singaporean identity, a lot of Singaporeans will live and speak their native languages, behave according to their native cultural identities and still be completely integrated into local society.

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04.09.2022 02:42GRANDE GALERIE
Grande Gallerie , LOUVRE.FR

A la une de ce nouveau numéro : l'exposition « Le Corps et l'Âme. De Donatello à Michel-Ange. Sculptures italiennes de la Renaissance ». Dans notre grand dossier, les commissaires de l'exposition révèlent en avant-première des œuvres magistrales rarement exposées. Autre occasion de découvrir des chefs-d'œuvre : l'exposition « Albrecht Altdorfer.

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04.09.2022 01:49World Heritage MAG
The private sector pitches in World Heritage n°102 - June 2022

World Heritage sites require an enormous number of resources for their protection. Conservation needs are met in different ways by governments, vibrant communities, or donors of many types. But increasingly the private sector is taking action with a powerful impact on conservation and management.

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04.09.2022 00:55ART'ISSAN DE LUMIÈRE

Hello Dear Friend! You are very Welcome into a New Luminous Dimension of Art, which we decided to name with a Beautiful French Word : De LUMIÊR - what means Light, Luminous Expansion.We wish You lots of New InSpirational Discoveries in this New 2020 Year! Be Blessed with Your Own Over-Soul and have a Great 'Bonne Voyage' on the Waves of Pure Ocean Breeze,

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08.09.2021 05:21World Heritage MAG
Special Issue - World Heritage in China, July-September 2021

As China is home to a prodigious array of stunning natural sites and ancient cultural sites – from the iconic Great Wall and the Sichuan Giant Panda Sanctuaries to the Silk Roads and the amazing round buildings of the Fujian Tulou, as well as the colourful landforms of China Danxia and much more -it is only normal that the country has been a staunch supporter of the World Heritage Convention and a steady contributor to its implementation.

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07.01.2020 23:39World Heritage MAG
World Heritage n°93 - November 2019 The Silk Roads

The Silk Roads encompass some of the most complex and fascinating systems in the history of world civilizations. A shifting network of roads and pathways for trade that evolved over centuries, it enabled the exchange of cargo such as silk, spices, gems, furs, but also shared art, religion and technology.

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13.07.2019 15:34UNESCO Publications
Special Issue - World Heritage in Azerbaijan, July 2019 (MAG)

I am particularly pleased that the 43rd session of the World Heritage Committee will be held in Baku, Azerbaijan. We are very grateful to our generous hosts for organizing this session in a World Heritage city.

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12.06.2019 16:51UNESCO Publications
World Heritage n°91 - May 2019 ( WALLED CITIES)

Historic urban walls were once used for division and protection, and remain a legacy of the complex relations between people and their environment. Today, they represent a fascinating aspect of cultural heritage management.They attract visitors and can be considered part of the attempt to balance

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11.06.2019 20:33New Science Magazine
China explora el 6G, que brindaría Internet a una velocidad de 1 Terabyte por segundo - 6Genesis VISION

The 5G technology is not yet deployed, but in China it will start with the research and development of 6G. China will start formally with Research and Development (R & D) of 6G mobile technology in 2020 with the goal of marketing it in 2030. Chinese researchers have begun to explore concepts of what will be

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12.02.2019 21:17UNESCO Publications
World Heritage Success Stories (World Heritage n°90 - January 2019 )

The World Heritage Convention is a legal tool. In adhering to it, countries commit to protect heritage within their borders and to refrain from any deliberate measures that might damage directly or indirectly the cultural and natural heritage of the territory of other States Parties to this Convention.

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